Future Drop Mechanics
On the 6th of June, 5pm UTC, Team Zendodo experimented with a whitelist raffle drop of both Risudolfs (Evolution I Zendodos) and the first batch of Morphing Potions in ZenMother’s Flying Kick #1 and Brewmaster Bell #1 respectively. The resulting effects of one of the drop, namely Brewmaster Bell #1 was not taken well by the community and we have heard your feedback and concerns over Twitter, Discord and Telegram. Shortly after, we had a Team Huddle, discussing the issues the community may have faced and the best steps moving forward. We will discuss the details here!
Drop Mechanism
For the Whitelist Raffle drops, heroes from the Zendodo Community were given 3.5 days to register for one/both of the drops. As suggested by the name of this drop method, not all registrants were whitelisted for the drop and within this time period, there were 183 registrants for ZenMother’s Flying Kick #1 of Risudolfs and 188 registrants for Brewmaster Bell #1 of Morphing Potions.
Out of these registrants, 50% were chosen to participate in ZenMother’s Flying Kick #1 while 25 registrants were whitelisted to make the purchase of 25 available morphing potions in Brewmaster Bell #1.
The drop mechanism for ZenMother’s Flying Kick #1 for whitelisted heroes were: 24 hours to claim up to 5 Risudolfs, no cooldown. On the other hand, the drop mechanism for Brewmaster Bell #1 were: One Morphing Potion claim per 30 minutes for the 25 whitelisted heroes.
The biggest concern by the community was that not all heroes who registered for the whitelist raffle were actively following the project and hence, the number of heroes that participated in Brewmaster Bell #1 was minimal (4 out of 25 at the time of writing). This resulted in a small number of heroes who were able to soak up the available Morphing Potions in 30 minutes intervals.
Rationale for Whitelist Raffle
The biggest objective of Team Zendodo would be inclusiveness; allowing both active and passive collectors to have the chance at starting their Zendodo Collection without markups from the secondary market. At the same time, we pledge to protect the value of existing Zendodos by having a strict control over the supply and demand of Zendodos in the market.
Hence, we felt that a whitelist raffle will solve this issue — a fairly large number of interested heroes were able to get a small number of drop. This worked perfectly well for ZenMother’s Flying Kick #1 but not for Brewmaster Bell #1. In fact, it worked the opposite for the first 25 Morphing Potions, where a small number of interested heroes were able to get a relative large number of potions at base price. We will proceed to explain how we’re moving forward with our collection drop.
Moving Forward
From here on, we will carry out these 3 drop methods for Zendodos & Morphing Potions: “Keyed Open Drop”, “Whitelist Raffle (Fixed Max Claim)” & “Whitelist (Zendodo Army Strength Criteria)”. Each will be explained below:
Keyed Open Drop — ZenMother’s Roundhouse Kick
- Mainly for Seasonal Evolution I Zendodos.
- The timing of the drop will be released via all our social media platforms minimally 12 hours before the drop occurs.
- 10 minutes prior to the drop, a link without the key will be sent as a reminder.
- On time of drop, link with the key attached will be sent.
- (Current Mechanics): 1 Claim per 10 seconds for Zendodos.
What are keys?! and what’s the use of it? You can see keys as passwords to remove this red banner on AtomicHub shown below:
The key is embedded in the url link sent to heroes at the time of drop. If you have been on atomichub trading NFTs for a period, you might have experienced drops that gets wiped out the second it is released. This could be due to 1) Scripting of bots to complete the purchase and signing request or 2) Using the blockchain backend to prepare the signing request beforehand. This can be combatted by content creators through the use of reCAPTCHAs or keyed links. We chose to proceed with the latter as we have a 1 claim per cooldown policy, which gets tedious for heroes to do reCAPTCHAs on every claim.
Whitelist Raffle (Fixed Max Claim) — ZenMother’s Flying Kick
- Only for seasonal Evolution I Zendodos.
- The whitelist raffle registration will be sent out minimally 2 days before the drop.
- % of registrants will be whitelisted and they will have 24 hours to claim a small but fixed number of Zendodos without any competition.
As a team that is heavily focused on inclusiveness and onboarding new collectors, this drop method is by far the best method to meet our objectives. This method allows us to 1) Control the demand and supply of Zendodos by tweaking % whitelisted and the max claimable 2) Gives everyone a fair chance at getting started on Zendodos.
Whitelist (Zendodo Army Strength Criteria) — Brewmaster Bell
- Only for Morphing Potions.
- The holding requirements will be sent out minimally 24 hours before the snapshot.
- Everyone who has attained the holding requirements at time of the snapshot will be added to the whitelist.
- Drop mechanism: Drop limit is in place. 1 Claim per 5 minutes.
Why have Zendodo Army Strength Criteria?! Isn’t it unfair to new collectors? If you’ve read our guide on morphing, players will require an evolved Zendodo in order to morph them. Hence, as a small precaution to prevent too many flippers in the project that will demean our secondary market, we would like to protect the community and offer existing collectors a higher chance to morph at low cost. But fear not, we definitely will not set money-grabbing Zendodo Army Strength requirements.
Community Drop
As a method of compensation, we are having two Community Drops tomorrow along with the following initiatives to compensate serious holders:
Community Drop #1 (7th June, 12pm UTC)
- 200 Risudolfs Keyed Open Drop, 4 WAX each.
- 15 Morphing Potions Keyed Open Drop, 20 WAX each.
- 200 Free Morphing Potions Sticker
Community Drop #2 (7th June, 6pm UTC)
- 200 Risudolfs Keyed Open Drop, 4 WAX each.
- 15 Morphing Potions Keyed Open Drop, 20 WAX each.
- 200 Free Morphing Potions Sticker
As a compensation to heroes who bought morphing potions from the secondary market prior to the published time of this article, Team Zendodo will cover 50% of your cost via a WAX transfer.
If you’ve read till here, thank you for your interest in the project and we promise to continue to work hard. Free Stickers for you readers here. Please join in the discussions in discord and telegram to learn more about the project and to provide feedback to the team. Serious feedback should be done on discord in our new channel #suggestions-and-feedback.
In addition, here’s a link to our quiz to show you’ve understand our project and new drop mechanisms! First 200 that answers correctly gets a free Morphing Potion Sticker and everyone who answers correctly will get a chance to receive 5 Risudolfs! Quiz ends 13th June, 4pm UTC.