Team Zendodo Update #5
Although the week started uneventful, Heroes of Dodoland were blessed with a weekend filled with drops — accumulating more beautiful and cute Zendodos into their Army. On Wednesday, Team Zendodo revealed the new weekly rewards for the next 2 weeks. In addition, we included mutation rewards for the evolution of Bulldoze and morphing of Riot & Nezuko 😍 At the time of weekly rewards snapshot, we saw 403 heroes keeping Zendodos in their wallets 🎊
Week #5 Leaderboard Results
On a weekly basis, we will give out WAX and Zendodos to holders of Zendodos! These are the prizes we’re giving out this week to 15 Winners:
- 1,500 WAX
- Equivalent of 65 Risudolfs
Here are your lucky winners this week 🍀:
- Tier 3 Winners
pddra.wam (Leaderboard Rank #12)
znldu.wam (Leaderboard Rank #8)
e5obe.wam (Leaderboard Rank #26)
jr3uw.wam (Leaderboard Rank #263)
xputi.wam (Leaderboard Rank #4)
Prize: 100 WAX + 1 Risudolf - Tier 2 Winners
4uqbc.wam (Leaderboard Rank #15)
gppr4.wam (Leaderboard Rank #7)
hz5r4.wam (Leaderboard Rank #23)
mrgb4.wam (Leaderboard Rank #14)
dycui.wam (Leaderboard Rank #85)
Prize: 100 WAX + 1 Riveton - Tier 1 Winners
dpzbs.wam (Leaderboard Rank #6)
.4abi.wam (Leaderboard Rank #11)
yfnqw.wam (Leaderboard Rank #9)
2vrdy.wam (Leaderboard Rank #13)
zcvqy.wam (Leaderboard Rank #1)
Prize: 100 WAX + 1 Dollybeb
Good job and well done lucky Heroes 👍 We’re glad to see even a hero with just 2 Zendodo Army Strength, ranked #263 on our leaderboard winning a reward this week 🍾 The reward structure for next week will remain the same and you can read more about it here!
Week #6 Updates
Mutation Rewards
Earlier this week, we launched Mutation Rewards for the evolution of Bulldoze and morphing of Riot & Nezuko.
As a short recap, these are the rewards:
- Bulldoze — Reward: Daplema (4 Available)
- Riot — Reward: Risudolf (44 Available)
- Nezuko — Reward: Riveton (Fully Redeemed)
Keep evolving and morphing heroes! We will be revealing our last Limited Edition Zendodo this Season sometime next week 🎉
Zendodo Party Stats
Zendodos in Circulation
Minted 🏆 | Burned 🔥 | Circulation ♻️
8,776 🏆 | 7,680 🔥 | 1,096 ♻️
2,599 🏆 | 2,383 🔥 | 216 ♻️
804 🏆 | 706 🔥 | 98 ♻️
204 🏆 | 162 🔥 | 42 ♻️
38 🏆 | 18 🔥 | 20 ♻️
6 🏆 | 0🔥 | 6 ♻️
Cap’n McKraken: 50/50 🏆
Nezuko : 100/100 🏆
Riot: 31/200 🏆
Secondary Market
7 Days Stats:
Collection Rank #57
Volume: 26.8k WAX
All-Time Stats:
Volume: 58.5k WAX
Development Update
Smart Contracts
The developers from Team Zendodo are in the midst of creating the smart contracts both for our Zendi Coin Account and Staking Pools. Once again, we would like to thank Heroes who have been patiently waiting for us to launch Zendodo Staking. However, do give the team more time as we proceed to craft our smart contracts cautiously.
Zendodo Packs
Team Zendodo has successfully designed the pack itself, the components of our packs and the price of our packs. However, the Team is currently caught up with deciding if we should create our native unpacking page or employ third party services such as neftyblocks. We will be revealing more information soon!
Limited Edition Zendodo
Our last Season 0 Limited Edition Zendodo is scheduled to be released sometime this week. With 2 out of our 3 Limited Edition Zendodos fully minted (Cap’n McKraken & Nezuko), we understand that heroes are edging to get their hands on fresher and cooler Zendodos!
Season 1 Zendodos
Team Zendodo aims to release a fresh set of Zendodos in August 2021. Hence, Heroes have just shy of 3 weeks to continue accumulating Season 0 Zendodos in order to evolve them & obtain Limited Edition Zendodos. Future seasons Zendodos cannot be used to evolve or morph with/for previous seasons Zendodos.
For the lovely heroes that have read our update this week, we’re grateful for your commitment and dedication to our project. Here’s a free Morphing Potion Sticker for you! That’s all this week and see you soon ❤️
Links 🔗
Zendodo Collection Guide
Heroes Leaderboard
Telegram — Announcement Channel
Telegram — Mainchat
Collection Details on AtomicHub