Zendodo Party’s X’mas Parade ☃️
Do you hear the magical Jingle in the air? 🔔 The bright lights and the cheery atmosphere echoing through Dodoland? 🎄 That’s right! The Great Winter WonDoland, Zendodo Party’s end-of-year celebration arrives! ❄️
Premiering on 13th December, put on your Winter Outfits & don your Holiday Spirits because it is Party Time 🎊 In this first segment of our two- part Christmas Special, be prepared to step into the magical Dodoland and be WOW-ed by our flurry of events (with over 1700 USD in prizes!) 🚀
With daily and event-long giveaways, this event might just be our BIGGEST one yet 🔥 Read on to find out more!
12 Days of WonDoland ❄️
Heroes! We’ve heard your cries for more daily events and brain-numbing exercises 🧠 This holiday season, join us for 12 Days of Unstoppable Exciting Events!🎆
With our daily line-up of Trivia questions, Zendo Crossword and our very first Lore Creation event, be sure to put a mark your calendars🗓 We hope you are ready Heroes! The fun begins TODAY ❤️
Trivia Event Details 🤔
Event Dates: 14th December, 17th December, 20th December (4PM UTC)
- Head over to our #🔥-live-events channel and get ready for a Snowdown!
- There will be a total of 5 questions posed during the event 🍀
- The first correct 3 answers will walk away with 1x Season 3 Evolution I Zendodo (Gus 🦔)
- The next 10 correct answers will walk away with 1x Season 3 Gus Sticker Bit each 🐾
You guys know how it works! Warm up those fingers Heroes! 🙌
Crossword Trivia Event Details 🕵
Event Dates: 15th December, 18th December, 21st December (4PM UTC)
- Stay tuned for our Zendo Crossword posts on our Socials 📢
- Put on your thinking caps to solve the given crossword 🔍
(Hint: Working together as a community will be highly beneficial⚔️) - Access the giveaway link and follow the steps stated to submit your guess!
- Correct guesses of the Boss’ Names will significantly boost your chances in walking away with our Prize Pool Per Lore:
(1x Season 3 Silver Pack, 3x Season 3 Evolution I EVENT Zendodo & 30x Season 3 Gus Sticker Bit) 🎆
Put on your Detective Hats and locate the answer using the clues provided 👒 Good luck Heroes! You guys will smash this as always ❤️
Boss Lore Creation Event Details 💥
Event Dates: 16th December, 19th December, 22nd December (4PM UTC)
- Keep a lookout on our socials for the the start of the event 📢
- Head to our Discord #🔥-live-events channel to submit your most creative Lore! (Less than 100 Words) 🎇
- The best submission will be determined by Team Zendodo and awarded 1x Season 3 Silver Pack 🏆
- 2 Lucky Heroes will also stand to walk away with 1x Season 3 Evolution I EVENT Zendodo 🚀
Want to leave your mark in Dodoland? Now’s the time! 🌠 Channel your creative juices and display your story writing prowess by developing the background stories of Dodoland’s emerging mighty bosses 🔥 There will be a total of 3 Bosses that Heroes can create Lores for — get creative Heroes!
Double the Rewards, Double the Joy 🚀
Heroes! If you think the season of giving ends there, it hasn’t! 💝 This December, the ZenMother is a gift that keeps on giving 🌟 From now till 24th Dec, 4:00PM UTC, rewards for our Staking Pools are INCREASED! 💥 SNOW WAY YES WAY! ❄️ With a 50% increase in Rally Pool Rewards, and Doubling of Mining Pool Rewards, be sure to send your Zendodos to the Staking Pools to earn those elusive rewards NOW! 💰
The Season of Giving (Continued!) 🎁
The chances of securing yourself some goodies this Winter CONTINUES! 🍀
In line with our Jam-Packed Winter celebrations, the ZenMother is also issuing yet another Prize-Filled giveaway for Heroes to win even more this Winter 🚀
Want to win BIG? Join our 1000 USD Magical Giveaway here! 💰
We hope you Heroes are excited with all the events we have in store! 🎆 But thats not all… a bigger snowstorm is brewing behind 🌬 (Stay tuned for that!)
Let’s have a blast Heroes! 😍