Zendodo Party — Season 1
It’s the time everyone in Dodoland is waiting for 🎉 Let us take off with Season 1 🚀 Introducing to your 6 new Zendodos to company you through the months of August & September! Through the Season, we will also be releasing supply capped Limited Edition Zendodos for Heroes to morph ⚗️ Also, record this time of the week into your calendars 📆 Every Saturday, 4PM UTC (more info below).
The drop prices and mechanism will remain the same for every season. Team Zendodo will only be releasing Evolution I Zendodos and Packs in our drops and Heroes will have to evolve their way up to attain more powerful, higher evolution Zendodos.
- Bailey — 5 WAX each 💰
- Season 1 Silver Packs — 100 WAX each 💰
Evolving Zendodos 🎈
Evolution mechanism will remain the same whereby Heroes will need 3 of the same Zendodos to evolve them! Each evolution has a 100% success rate and you don’t have to risk losing them 👍
Each time you evolve your Zendodos, you’ll get a more powerful Zendodo (e.g. Evolution IV — Mr Austin has 50 Power while Evolution V — Armageddon has 175 Power). You’ll have an additional power boost each time you evolve your Zendodos. This also means the staking power of your Zendodo Army will increase allowing you to claim more rewards in the future. You can read about our rewards pools in the whitepaper on our website!
Pack Content 📦
This season, there will be a small change to the draw odds which will benefit all you Heroes in Dodoland. Last season, several unlucky (or lucky…) Heroes successfully pulled 3 Evolution I Zendodos from your Silver Packs! Although there was only 21.6% chance of that happening, some of you still managed to pull it off 🍀
For Season 1 Silver Packs, out of the 3 Zendodos minted from the packs, at least 1 Zendodo will be of Evolution II and above. For the last draw of the pack, all the odds of drawing a Bailey (Evolution I) will be converted to Fannyspark (Evolution II) 🎊 This means the unluckiest pull from our Season 1 Packs will still be the equivalent of attaining 5 Evolution I Zendodos. We hope this small change will improve the packing opening experience of Heroes ❤️
Drop Schedule ⏰
In Season 0, Team Zendodo regretfully had a rather messy drop schedule; whereby based on the secondary market prices & speed of our drops clearing, Zendodos were dropped multiple times of the week 😦 Although this has successfully helped maintain the value of Zendodos, Heroes had little time to prepare for some ZenMother’s Kicks.
Therefore, in Season 1, Team Zendodo will attempt to forecast Heroes’ demand and declare our drop quantity on a monthly basis, with drops happening Every Saturday, 4PM UTC ❗️Having a drop forecast will provide Heroes involved in the project a better estimate on how their Zendodos value and pushing our regular drop time forward by an hour will allow more Heroes around the globe to participate in ZenMother’s Kicks 🌐
Alike our previous Seasons, to have a healthy balance between incorporating new Heroes and preventing bots/flippers from participating in our drops, there will be open & whitelisted drops happening at the same time (apart from our first Season 1 drop where whitelisted heroes will have a 5 minutes head start to get low mint 😍). The criteria for whitelist will be to have a pre-determined Army Strength before our snapshot every Saturday at 3PM UTC 📸.
There will be no Season 1 Silver Packs released on the first 2 weeks of the Season. This is done to encourage secondary market volume for Heroes who wishes to get higher evolution, low mint Zendodos 💪
Evolution Rewards 🎁
This season, we will start off revealing rewards for Heroes who obtained these Zendodos via Evolution! There will be the equivalent of 215 Zendodos up for grabs for this Event 🎉
The rewards are as such 🎁:
- First 10 to Evolve Alfie — 1x Delilah 🌺
- First 25 to Evolve Armageddon — 1x Fannyspark ✨
- First 50 to Evolve Mr Austin — 1x Bailey ⚓️
Once all the Zendodos with a reward attached are evolved, we will distribute the rewards. In the event these Zendodos are not minted before our Pack drop on 21st August, these high evolution Zendodos minted from packs are not eligible for rewards. Instead, the next Hero who evolved the Zendodo will be rewarded. (e.g. If Mint #10 Alfie was minted from a pack, the Hero who evolved out Mint #11 Alfie will be rewarded with a Delilah).
Mid-Week Update
Team Zendodo has recently stress tested our Smart Contract for our Staking/Reward pool and the whole process went perfectly well 💯 This being said, we will continue to monitor our reward mechanism and the crafting of our staking front-end page is already underway 🚆 We believe that our staking pools will be pushed out for open beta in the matter of weeks.
On the creative front, we will begin to ideate Season 1’s Limited Edition Zendodos, future Event Zendodos and work on our Tool Pack Sale which will come shortly after our staking pool goes live 🔥
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your continual support in making this project work ❤️ We will pump out the details on our Weekly Rewards shortly and have another spree of giveaway through our Twitter 🎉 Stay gold and you don’t want to miss out on Zendodo Party ✌️