Zendodo Games Drop Poll
Greetings all Heroes! Team Zendodo is here to bring you an update regarding our Drop Mechanism 📦 Over the past few days, Heroes have been patiently anticipating our line-up of drops with many expressing their eagerness and excitement on our social sites 📢
At this juncture, Team Zendodo would like to express our upmost gratitude and appreciation to you Heroes for all the support you’ve given so far ❤️ Thank you Heroes!
We have also been paying attention to our community, listening to your concerns regarding our Drops, and the limited opportunity that you have in securing a loveable Zendodo or unstable Morphing Potion of your own. As an example, here are the drop results that have taken place during our Season 2 Drop on 29th October, 4PM UTC:
Toddies (Whitelist Drop): 1,200 cleared in 31 seconds
Season 2 Silver Pack (Whitelist Drop): 100 cleared in 16 seconds
Toddies (Open Drop): 1,200 cleared in 19 seconds
Season 2 Silver Pack (Open Drop): 100 cleared in 3 seconds
Time taken to clear = Time from first sale to last sale
Rationale behind today’s drop size: (1) We have seen an unprecedented amount of following and interest within our project over the past week (~2k new discord members and ~1k new Twitter followers), and we have thoroughly underestimated the demand Heroes have for our drop. (2) Understanding we have the “Zendodo Games” drop on the next day (30th October, 4PM UTC), we wanted Heroes to focus their resources towards this major Event Drop.
But…Team Zendodo hears you!
Here in Dodoland, we firmly believe in growing as a community, helping our fellow Heroes out, experienced or new. As such, we would like to introduce our a community vote regarding Zendodo Games drop ⚔️
Zendodo Games Drop Poll
For the upcoming highly anticipated Zendodo Games drop that commences on 30th October 4PM UTC, we would like the Community to head to Discord (#✋-community-vote) to vote and decide on the way moving forward. Voting ends on 30th October, 2PM UTC.
The community will vote on 2 areas of the Zendodo Games Drop:
- Maximum Claim per Purchase
- Total Drop Amount
(1) Maximum Claim per Purchase
Maximum Claim per Purchase means the number of NFTs a single Hero can purchase before having to wait for a 10 second cooldown. There will be 3 Emojis signifying the number of claims each Hero can make per purchase. Vote for the limit you would like to impose for the drop using the emojis below:
1️⃣ Heroes are able to purchase 1 Event Zendodo at a time
2️⃣ Heroes are able to purchase 2 Event Zendodos at a time
3️⃣ Heroes are able to purchase 3 Event Zendodos at a time
Note: After each purchase, there will be an imposed cooldown, making Heroes unable to make a subsequent purchase for 10 seconds. This opens up the floor for more individuals to participate in the drop. Additionally, the open drop will be protected with reCAPTCHA and a low maximum claim may greatly affect the drop experience of Heroes.
(2) Total Drop Amount
The Zendodo Games current Drop Size is as such:
Whitelist Drop : 400 Paiges — Player 076 | 400 Toddies — Guard
Open Drop: 1,200 Paiges — Player 076 | 1,200 Toddies — Guard
Total Drop Size: 1,600 Paiges — Player 076 | 1,600 Toddies — Guard
There will be 6 emojis indicating the changes that Heroes would like to make to the current drop size. With every increase, 70 Paiges and 70 Toddies will be added to the Whitelist Drop while 200 Paiges and 200 Toddies will be added to the Open Drop. Vote for the changes you would like to make towards the Total Drop Size:
❌ No change to the current drop size
1️⃣ Increase the drop size by 270 Paiges and 270 Toddies
2️⃣ Increase the drop size by 540 Paiges and 540 Toddies
3️⃣ Increase the drop size by 810 Paiges and 810 Toddies
4️⃣ Increase the drop size by 1,080 Paiges and 1,080 Toddies
5️⃣ Increase the drop size by 1,350 Paiges and 1,350 Toddies
Note: As the drop size increases, Heroes are able to purchase and amass more Event Zendodos. However, this would mean that more Heroes will be able to attain the Unique Event Zendodos and work towards achieving the respective ZendiCard Accolades. This may affect the scarcity and value of these assets.
A Word from Team Zendodo
Thank you for your immense support towards Zendodo Party thus far. We would like to reiterate that the team behind the project fully believes in the community and space that has been created. Your suggestions and concerns have been and will be our topmost priority ❤️
We seek to ask all Heroes to empathise and prosper with us as we navigate this ever-growing NFT-Fi space. Together.